New Web Log Alert
Messing around with go and HTMX and html templates to make a simple blog in a way that is new to me. I've gone through a few iterations of blog approaches/sites and maybe this is the one that will stick ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So far this post / content files are html file(s), I know markdown seems like a more popular option for dev blogs etc, but I kinda like the idea of writing vanilla html files for content here, especially when llm assisted for styling or formatting.
I'm betting on leveraging more classic web such as html css files etc, and that we will continue to see less tooling/abstractions for dev experience since devs are now llm assisted. The fastest sites out there are just cached css and html right, why jump through all the hoops when you are now able to be assisted for the creation of the styles and can generate the styles instantly and then spot check. This post written out and css file generated/styled by hand quickly as you can tell, but I mean for the future !